Ana içeriğe atla

Community Organizing

ÇEKÜL relies on the commitment of nearly 1 million volunteers from all walks of life and a large group of dedicated multi-disciplinary supporters who participate in the rescue and restoration of urban and rural sites. The Foundation initiates and supports civil society efforts on environmental and cultural issues through a multi-dimensional participatory model and on-going dialogue, bringing an entire community of "public-local-civil-and-private" actors into collaboration. Much of the work is made possible through the collaboration of dedicated individuals, a wide-ranging conservation community, local administrations, universities, local NGOs and corporate organizations. As a result of these efforts, the Union of Historic Towns was founded in 2000, under the leadership and secretariat of ÇEKÜL, to facilitate collaboration among historic towns of Anatolia for heritage preservation. The Foundation organizes regular colloquiums and workshops for over 300 member municipalities, to equip local agencies with tools for quality renovation and restoration projects.